The Compare Tables dialog has always provided an efficient way to mass create Table Pairs and their tests based on table metadata. This is very useful when testing scenarios such as product upgrades or migrations where the 2 data sets being tested are virtually the same. That is, same table/data structures, and in theory, same data.
One limitation of Compare Tables was that the Table Pair generation process assumed that Table
must be identical across the Table A/B metadata, and there was no way for a user to over-ride that.
While that works for certain scenarios, there are many cases where table structures are the same, but the names are not. For example in a migration, table names may change or in a replication, tables may be prefixed (or suffixed) across source/target to distinguish them.
The Spreadsheet Import for Compare Tables allows you to use the Compare Tables functionality but provide simple metadata for Tables when the names don't exactly match.
There are two test scenarios for the Spreadsheet import for Compare Tables:
1. Adding Tables to the Compare Tables Import spreadsheet
2. Importing the Compare Tables spreadsheet into DVO
Each scenario is explained in detail in the following sections.