Bad records are the records that fail a value or a set test.
When you select a test on the Tests tab, the bad records appear in the
Bad Records
The Bad Records view displays a delimiter before and after each string value to help you identify whitespace in a record of string data type. The Bad Records view displays the difference in value along with the percentage of difference in a record of a numeric data type. Data Validation Option uses the following formula to calculate the percentage of difference:
view displays the test result value from Field A, the test result value from Field B, and the comparison operator.
Value Tests
Value tests display the following columns for each bad record:
The key for Table A
The field or expression from Table A being compared
The key for Table B
The field or expression from Table B being compared
Set Tests
Set tests display the following columns for each bad record:
The result from Table A
The result from Table B
If you choose to view more details about numerical bad data records, the tests display the following additional columns:
% Difference
If you compare two fields where one field has a value and the other is empty, Data Validation option considers the record as a bad record. If the repository is on Oracle, the database stores the empty field as NULL. A bad record with NULL value in an Oracle repository can be either NULL or an empty field.