You can import XML source and target definitions into Data Validation Option from PowerCenter. You can use the XML sources and targets in views, table pairs, and single tables for testing.
Data Validation Option flattens the XML hierarchy to make it accessible for testing in views, table pairs, and single tables.
You can use the following methods to flatten an XML hierarchy in Data Validation Option:
Select a single XML Group in the XML hierarchy and perform tests on the fields in that group.
Create self-joins of XML Groups in a Join View to flatten the XML.
Automate the creation of a Join View to flatten XML directly for an XML Source.
After the XML hierarchy is flattened, you can test the XML data in Data Validation Option like any other type of data.
PowerCenter must be able to parse and process any XML definitions and data from Data Validation Option. The rules that apply to XML data in PowerCenter also apply to XML data in Data Validation Option.
When you test XML data in Data Validation Option, consider the following rules and guidelines:
XML schema size must be smaller than 400 elements and less than 100KB in size.
XML data file size must be less than 10MB.
Complexity profile is limited to three hierarchy levels with support for complexType elements Sequence, Any, and Choice.
The XML import wizard can create a maximum of 400 XML groups.
PowerCenter strictly follows the XML structure. For example, the W3C XSD rules allow attribute values in any order and not as they are defined in the XSD. In PowerCenter, the attribute values must be in the order that they are specified in the XSD.
You can use Data Validation Option to test XML data in the following ways:
Import XML definitions and view them in Data Validation Option.
Use XML sources directly in table pair or single table tests.