A join view is a virtual table that contains columns from related heterogeneous data sources joined by key columns.
Use a join view to run tests on several related columns across different tables. You can create a join view instead of multiple SQL views with joins. For example, the Employee table has employee details, Inventory table has sales details, and the customer table has customer details. If you create a join view with the tables, you can obtain a consolidated view of the inventory sold by the partner and the revenue generated by the employees associated with the partners. You can run tests with the join view to validate data across the tables.
You can create a join view with different types of data sources. For example, you can create a join view with a flat file, an SAP table, an Oracle table, and an XML file.
You can add a join view in a single table or a table pair. You can then create tests with the table pair or single table to validate the data in the join view. Add multiple data sources to the join view and add join conditions to define the relationship between data sources.