You can copy the objects of a folder to another folder in your user workspace or the workspace of another user. Copy the folder objects to back up the objects or to share objects between user workspaces.
When you copy all objects in a folder, Data Validation Option creates a target folder and copies the table pairs and single tables from the source folder to the target folder. Data Validation Option also copies the tests that are associated with each table pair and single table. Data Validation Option does not copy test runs or the external IDs associated with table pairs or single tables.
If you copy a table pair or single table that is based on an SQL view or a lookup view to another user workspace, Data Validation Option copies the view to the target user workspace. If the target user workspace contains a view with the same name, you can use the view in the target user workspace or rename the copied view. Data Validation Option renames the copied view as "Copy <number> <original view name>."
Before Data Validation Option copies the folder objects, it verifies that the PowerCenter repository and all data sources associated with the objects exist in the target user workspace. If the PowerCenter repository or any required data source does not exist in the target user workspace, Data Validation Option does not copy the objects. Object names in Data Validation Option are case sensitive.