You upgraded to the current version of PowerCenter, and you need to verify that mapping output has not changed. You compare the mapping results of the pre-upgrade mappings with the results of the upgraded mappings.
Step 1. Run a session.
Run a session in PowerCenter and use separate connections to write the target data for the upgraded mapping.
Step 2. Create a table pair object.
Create a table pair object in the Data Validation Client. You perform the following configuration:
Add the tables. One table in the table pair contains the mapping results from the pre-upgraded mapping, and one table contains the mapping results from the upgraded mapping.
Select the connections associated with each of the tables.
Create a join relationship based on a primary key, CUST_ID.
Step 3. Create validation tests.
Create the following tests based on the table pair:
VALUE test. The VALUE test compares the CUST_ID values row-by-row in each table and determines whether they are the same. Any row that exists in one table and not the other is disregarded. Add the following test condition:
COUNT_ROW test. The COUNT_ROW test compares the total number of values for the CUST_ID column.
Step 4. Run the tests.
When you run the test, the PowerCenter Integration Service creates and runs a mapping based on the test. It writes the test results to the Data Validation repository.
You view the results in the Data Validation Client to verify that the tests passed, indicating that both tables contain the same number of rows and that the customer IDs match.