Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Developer
  3. The Model Repository
  4. Searches in Informatica Developer
  5. Connections
  6. Physical Data Objects
  7. Flat File Data Objects
  8. Logical View of Data
  9. Viewing Data
  10. Application Deployment
  11. Application Patch Deployment
  12. Application Patch Deployment Example
  13. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
  14. Object Import and Export
  15. Appendix A: Data Type Reference
  16. Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts
  17. Appendix C: Connection Properties

Developer Tool Guide

Developer Tool Guide

IBM DB2 for z/OS Connection Properties

IBM DB2 for z/OS Connection Properties

Use an IBM
DB2 for z/OS
connection to access tables in IBM
DB2 for z/OS
. An IBM
DB2 for z/OS
connection is a relational database connection. You can create and manage an IBM DB2 for z/OS connection in the Administrator tool or the Developer tool.
The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes DB2 for z/OS connection properties:
Name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection. Default value is the connection name.
Description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 255 characters.
Connection Type
Connection type (DB2Z).
Database user name.
Password for the specified user name or a valid PowerExchange passphrase.
A PowerExchange passphrase can be from 9 to 128 characters in length and can contain the following characters:
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters
  • The numbers 0 to 9
  • Spaces
  • The following special characters:
    ’ - ; # \ , . / ! % & * ( ) _ + { } : @ | < > ?
    The first character is an apostrophe.
Passphrases cannot include single quotation marks (‘), double quotation marks (“), or currency symbols.
To use passphrases, ensure that the PowerExchange Listener runs with a security setting of SECURITY=(1,N) or higher in the DBMOVER member. For more information, see "SECURITY Statement" in the
PowerExchange Reference Manual
The allowable characters in the IBM IRRPHREX exit do not affect the allowable characters in PowerExchange passphrases.
A valid RACF passphrase can be up to 100 characters in length. PowerExchange truncates passphrases longer than 100 characters when passing them to RACF for validation.
Pass-through security enabled
Enables pass-through security for the connection.
DB2 Subsystem ID
Name of the DB2 subsystem.
Node name for the location of the PowerExchange Listener that connects to DB2. The node name is defined in the first parameter of the NODE statement in the PowerExchange dbmover.cfg configuration file.
Environment SQL
SQL commands to set the database environment when you connect to the database. The Data Integration Service executes the connection environment SQL each time it connects to the database.
Correlation ID
Value to be concatenated to prefix PWX to form the DB2 correlation ID for DB2 requests.
Code Page
Code page used to read from a source database or write to a target database or file.
SQL identifier character to use
Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL queries. The available characters depend on the database type.
Select (None) if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates SQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates SQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this character.
Support mixed case identifiers
Enable if the database uses case-sensitive identifiers. When enabled, the Data Integration Service encloses all identifiers within the character selected for the
SQL Identifier Character
When the
SQL Identifier Character
property is set to none, the
Support Mixed-case Identifiers
property is disabled.
Encryption type
Optional. The type of encryption that the Data Integration Service uses. Select one of the following options:
  • None
  • AES
Default is None.
Informatica recommends that you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication instead of configuring the
Encryption Type
connection properties. SSL authentication provides stricter security and is used by several Informatica products.
For more information about implementing SSL authentication in a PowerExchange network, see the
PowerExchange Reference Manual
Encryption level
If you select
Encryption Type
, select one of the following options to indicate the encryption level that the Data Integration Service uses:
  • 1
    . Use a128-bit encryption key.
  • 2
    . Use a 192-bit encryption key.
  • 3
    . Use a 256-bit encryption key.
If you do not select
Encryption Type
, this option is ignored.
Default is 1.
Pacing size
Optional. Amount of data that the source system can pass to the PowerExchange Listener. Set the pacing size if an external application, database, or the Data Integration Service node is a bottleneck. User lower values for faster performance.
The minimum value and default value is 0. A value of
provides the best performance.
Interpret as rows
Optional. Select this option to express the pacing size as a number of rows. Clear this option to express the pacing size in kilobytes. By default, this option is not selected and the pacing size is in kilobytes.
Optional. Select this option to enable source data compression. By compressing data, you can decrease the amount of data that Informatica applications send over the network. By default, this option is not selected and compression is disabled.
Offload processing
Optional. Controls whether to offload some bulk data processing from the source machine to the Data Integration Service machine. Select one of the following options:
  • AUTO
    . The Data Integration Service determines whether to use offload processing.
  • Yes
    . Use offload processing.
  • No
    . Do not use offload processing.
Default is
Worker threads
Optional. Number of threads that the Data Integration Service uses to process bulk data when offload processing is enabled. For optimal performance, this value should not exceed the number of available processors on the Data Integration Service machine. Valid values are 1 through 64. Default is 0, which disables multithreading.
Array size
Optional. The number of records in the storage array for the worker threads. This option is applicable when you set the
Worker Threads
option to a value greater than 0. Valid values are 1 to 5000. Default is 25.
Write mode
Mode in which the Data Integration Service sends data to the PowerExchange Listener. Configure one of the following write modes:
    . Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener and waits for a response before sending more data. Select if error recovery is a priority. This option might decrease performance.
    . Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a response. Use this option when you can reload the target table if an error occurs.
    . Sends data to the PowerExchange Listener without waiting for a response. This option also provides the ability to detect errors. This provides the speed of Confirm Write Off with the data integrity of Confirm Write On.
Reject file
Overrides the default prefix of PWXR for the reject file. PowerExchange creates the reject file on the target machine when the write mode is ASYNCHRONOUSWITHFAULTTOLERANCE. Enter PWXDISABLE to prevent the creation of reject files.

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