Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Data Quality 10.4.0
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| Description
| The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters: ~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
| String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection. The ID is not case sensitive. It must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection.
Default value is the connection name.
| The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
| The domain where you want to create the connection.
| The connection type. Select Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.
| Description
Account Name
| The Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account name or the service name.
Client ID
| The ID of your application to complete the OAuth Authentication in the Azure Active Directory (AD).
Client Secret
| The client secret key to complete the OAuth Authentication in the Azure AD.
Tenant ID
| The Directory ID of the Azure AD.
File System Name
| The name of an existing file system in the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.
Directory Path
| The path of an existing directory without the file system name. There is no default directory. You can select one of the following syntax: