Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Developer
  3. The Model Repository
  4. Searches in Informatica Developer
  5. Connections
  6. Physical Data Objects
  7. Flat File Data Objects
  8. Logical View of Data
  9. Viewing Data
  10. Application Deployment
  11. Application Patch Deployment
  12. Application Patch Deployment Example
  13. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
  14. Object Import and Export
  15. Appendix A: Data Type Reference
  16. Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts
  17. Appendix C: Connection Properties

Developer Tool Guide

Developer Tool Guide

Web Services Connection Properties

Web Services Connection Properties

Use a web services connection to connect a Web Service Consumer transformation to a web service.
The following table describes the web services connection properties:
User name to connect to the web service. Enter a user name if you enable HTTP authentication or WS-Security.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes WS-Security ports, the transformation receives a dynamic user name through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the user name defined in the connection.
Password for the user name. Enter a password if you enable HTTP authentication or WS-Security.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes WS-Security ports, the transformation receives a dynamic password through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the password defined in the connection.
End Point URL
URL for the web service that you want to access. The Data Integration Service overrides the URL defined in the WSDL file.
If the Web Service Consumer transformation includes an endpoint URL port, the transformation dynamically receives the URL through an input port. The Data Integration Service overrides the URL defined in the connection.
Number of seconds that the Data Integration Service waits for a response from the web service provider before it closes the connection. Specify a timeout value between 1 and 10,000 seconds.
HTTP Authentication Type
Type of user authentication over HTTP. Select one of the following values:
  • None. No authentication.
  • Automatic. The Data Integration Service chooses the authentication type of the web service provider.
  • Basic. Requires you to provide a user name and password for the domain of the web service provider. The Data Integration Service sends the user name and the password to the web service provider for authentication.
  • Digest. Requires you to provide a user name and password for the domain of the web service provider. The Data Integration Service generates an encrypted message digest from the user name and password and sends it to the web service provider. The provider generates a temporary value for the user name and password and stores it in the Active Directory on the Domain Controller. It compares the value with the message digest. If they match, the web service provider authenticates you.
  • NTLM. Requires you to provide a domain name, server name, or default user name and password. The web service provider authenticates you based on the domain you are connected to. It gets the user name and password from the Windows Domain Controller and compares it with the user name and password that you provide. If they match, the web service provider authenticates you. NTLM authentication does not store encrypted passwords in the Active Directory on the Domain Controller.
WS Security Type
Type of WS-Security that you want to use. Select one of the following values:
  • None. The Data Integration Service does not add a web service security header to the generated SOAP request.
  • PasswordText. The Data Integration Service adds a web service security header to the generated SOAP request. The password is stored in the clear text format.
  • PasswordDigest. The Data Integration Service adds a web service security header to the generated SOAP request. The password is stored in a digest form which provides effective protection against replay attacks over the network. The Data Integration Service combines the password with a nonce and a time stamp. The Data Integration Service applies a SHA hash on the password, encodes it in base64 encoding, and uses the encoded password in the SOAP header.
Trust Certificates File
File containing the bundle of trusted certificates that the Data Integration Service uses when authenticating the SSL certificate of the web service. Enter the file name and full directory path.
Default is
<Informatica installation directory>/services/shared/bin/ca-bundle.crt
Client Certificate File Name
Client certificate that a web service uses when authenticating a client. Specify the client certificate file if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.
Client Certificate Password
Password for the client certificate. Specify the client certificate password if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.
Client Certificate Type
Format of the client certificate file. Select one of the following values:
  • PEM. Files with the .pem extension.
  • DER. Files with the .cer or .der extension.
Specify the client certificate type if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.
Private Key File Name
Private key file for the client certificate. Specify the private key file if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.
Private Key Password
Password for the private key of the client certificate. Specify the private key password if the web service needs to authenticate the Data Integration Service.
Private Key Type
Type of the private key. PEM is the supported type.

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