Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Developer
  3. The Model Repository
  4. Searches in Informatica Developer
  5. Connections
  6. Physical Data Objects
  7. Flat File Data Objects
  8. Logical View of Data
  9. Viewing Data
  10. Application Deployment
  11. Application Patch Deployment
  12. Application Patch Deployment Example
  13. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
  14. Object Import and Export
  15. Appendix A: Data Type Reference
  16. Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts
  17. Appendix C: Connection Properties

Developer Tool Guide

Developer Tool Guide

Import and Export Objects

Import and Export Objects

You can import and export projects and objects in a project. You can also import and export application archive files in a repository.
When you export an object, the Developer tool also exports the dependent objects. A dependent object is an object that is used by another object. For example, a physical data object used as a mapping input is a dependent object of that mapping. When you import an object, the Developer tool imports all the dependent objects.
When you export or import objects in a project or folder, the Model Repository Service preserves the object hierarchy.
The following table lists objects and dependent objects that you can export:
  • SQL data services, mappings, or workflows and their dependent objects
  • Projects contain other objects, but they do not have dependent objects
  • Folders contain other objects, but they do not have dependent objects
Reference table
  • Reference tables do not have dependent objects
Content set
  • Content sets do not have dependent objects
Physical data object (except for customized data object)
  • Physical data objects do not have dependent objects
Customized data object
  • Physical data objects
Logical data object model
  • Logical data objects
  • Physical data objects
  • Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
  • Mapplets and their dependent objects
  • Physical data objects
  • Reference tables
  • Content sets
  • Logical data objects
  • Physical data objects
  • Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
  • Mapplets and their dependent objects
  • Logical data objects
  • Physical data objects
  • Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
  • Mapplets and their dependent objects
SQL data service
  • Logical data objects
  • Physical data objects
  • Reusable transformations and their dependent objects
  • Mapplets and their dependent objects
  • Logical data objects
  • Physical data objects
  • Profiles and their dependent objects
Web service
  • Operation mappings
  • Mappings and their dependent objects

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