Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Developer
  3. The Model Repository
  4. Searches in Informatica Developer
  5. Connections
  6. Physical Data Objects
  7. Flat File Data Objects
  8. Logical View of Data
  9. Viewing Data
  10. Application Deployment
  11. Application Patch Deployment
  12. Application Patch Deployment Example
  13. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
  14. Object Import and Export
  15. Appendix A: Data Type Reference
  16. Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts
  17. Appendix C: Connection Properties

Developer Tool Guide

Developer Tool Guide

Patch Type: Direct and Indirect

Patch Type: Direct and Indirect

This section describes an application patch that inherits direct and indirect dependencies.

Identify the Inherited Objects

The following image shows the objects that the patch includes when you inherit direct and indirect dependencies:
This image shows a deployed run-time application and an updated design-time application. The deployed run-time application has the following objects: Workflow B, Mapping A, Mapping B, Mapping C, Lookup B, Data Object A, and Data Object D. Mapping A uses Data Object A. Mapping B uses Lookup B which uses Data Object A. Mapping C uses Data Object D. Workflow B uses Mapping B and Mapping C. The updated design-time application has the following objects: Workflow B, Mapping A, Mapping B, Mapping C, Data Object A, Data Object B, and Data Object C. Mapping A uses Data Object A. Mapping B uses Data Object A and Data Object B. Mapping C uses Data Object C. Workflow B uses Mapping B and Mapping C. In the updated design-time application, Mapping A is labeled as the selected object and Data Object A is labeled as a direct dependency. Mapping B and Data Object B are labeled as indirect dependencies.
The following table lists the dependencies that the patch inherits when the mapping
Mapping A
is the selected object:
Type of Dependency
  • Data Object A
  • Mapping B
  • Data Object B

Assess the Object Impact

The following image shows the impact to the run-time objects after the patch is deployed:
This image shows a deployed run-time application and an updated design-time application. The deployed run-time application has the following objects: Workflow B, Mapping A, Mapping B, Mapping C, Lookup B, Data Object A, and Data Object D. Mapping A uses Data Object A. Mapping B uses Lookup B which uses Data Object A. Mapping C uses Data Object D. Workflow B uses Mapping B and Mapping C. In the deployed run-time application, Mapping A, Mapping B, and Data Object A are labeled as modified objects. Workflow B is labeled as an affected object. Data Object B is labeled as an added object. Lookup B is labeled as an orphaned object. The updated design-time application has the following objects: Workflow B, Mapping A, Mapping B, Mapping C, Data Object A, Data Object B, and Data Object C. Mapping A uses Data Object A. Mapping B uses Data Object A and Data Object B. Mapping C uses Data Object C. Workflow B uses Mapping B and Mapping C. In the updated design-time application, Mapping A is labeled as the selected object and Data Object A is labeled as a direct dependency. Mapping B and Data Object B are labeled as indirect dependencies.
Because the patch inherits the mapping
Mapping B
as an indirect dependency, the mapping will use its design-time dependencies and discard its previous run-time dependencies. It no longer uses the reusable transformation
Lookup B
in the run-time application. Instead, it uses the data objects
Data Object A
Data Object B
. The transformation
Lookup B
becomes an orphan in the run-time application.

Evaluate the Scope of the Changes

The following table shows the number of objects that are impacted during patch deployment:
Scope Item
Number of Objects
Modified: 3
Affected: 1
Total: 4


Inheriting direct and indirect dependencies has a similar impact to inheriting only direct dependencies, but fewer objects are affected. The mapping
Mapping B
is modified instead of affected, so it is updated in a more predictable way.

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