Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Developer
  3. The Model Repository
  4. Searches in Informatica Developer
  5. Connections
  6. Physical Data Objects
  7. Flat File Data Objects
  8. Logical View of Data
  9. Viewing Data
  10. Application Deployment
  11. Application Patch Deployment
  12. Application Patch Deployment Example
  13. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
  14. Object Import and Export
  15. Appendix A: Data Type Reference
  16. Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts
  17. Appendix C: Connection Properties

Developer Tool Guide

Developer Tool Guide

Editor Search

Editor Search

You can find objects, ports, groups, expressions, and attributes that are open in the editor. The Developer tool highlights the objects within the open editor. The objects do not need to be in the Model repository.
To display the find fields below the editor, select
. To find an object, enter a search string and the types of objects to find. The object types that you can find varies by editor. If you do not specify any type of object, the Developer tool finds the search string in transformations.
When you search for ports, columns, or attributes, you can also select the data type. For example, you can find integer or bigint ports with names that contain the string "_ID."
The following table lists the types of objects that you can find in each editor:
Object types
Mapping objects, expressions, groups, ports, and complex data type definitions
Mapplet objects, expressions, groups, ports, and complex data type definitions
Logical data object model
Logical data objects and attributes
Physical data object read or write mapping
Mapping objects and columns
SQL data service
Virtual tables and attributes
Virtual stored procedure
Transformations, expressions, groups, and ports
Virtual table mapping
Virtual table mapping objects, expressions, groups, and ports
Web service operation mapping
Web service operation mapping objects, expressions, groups, and ports
Workflow objects
Note: The Model repository does not store the names of generated ports, and you cannot search for them in the editor.
When the Developer tool finds the search string, it displays the object locations. It also highlights the object in which the search string occurs. If the search string occurs in an iconized transformation in the mapping editor, the Developer tool highlights the iconized transformation.
You can select the following options to navigate the results of a find:
  • Next Match. Finds the next occurrence of the search string.
  • Previous Match. Finds the previous occurrence of the search string.
  • Highlight All. Highlights all occurrences of the search string.
  • Expand Iconized Transformations. Expands all iconized transformations in which the search string occurs.


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