Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. User administration
  3. Ecosystem single sign-on
  4. SAML single sign-on
  5. Users
  6. User groups
  7. User roles
  8. User configuration examples
  9. Editing your user profile

User Administration

User Administration

SAML single sign-on requirements

SAML single sign-on requirements

To set up SAML single sign-on for an
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
organization, the system must use an appropriate identity provider. You must also have the appropriate license.
To set up SAML single sign-on for an organization, ensure that the following requirements are met:
  • The system must use a SAML 2.0-based identity provider.
    Common identity providers include Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Okta, SSOCircle, OpenLDAP, and Shibboleth. The identity provider must be configured to use either the DSA-SHA256 or RSA-SHA256 algorithm to generate the signature.
  • The
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    organization must have the SAML based Single Sign-On license.
  • You must have access to the organization as an organization administrator to set up single sign-on.


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