Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. RulePoint
  3. RulePoint Concepts
  4. Using RulePoint
  5. RulePoint Objects
  6. Working with Topics
  7. Working with Connections
  8. Working with Sources
  9. Working with Responders
  10. Working with Responses
  11. Working with Watchlists
  12. Working with Analytics
  13. DRQL
  14. Working with Rules
  15. Working with Alerts
  16. Setting Access Controls
  17. Troubleshooting RulePoint Issues
  18. Connecting to an Ultra Messaging Application
  19. Creating an Ultra Messaging JMS Source

User Guide

User Guide

Referencing a Single Event with a Single Property Value

Referencing a Single Event with a Single Property Value

You can reference a property value of a single event in a rule using one of the following syntax:
is the name of the alias that you assign to a topic, such as s for stock.
is the name of the topic and
is the name of the event property.
Use of topic name or topic alias is optional while referencing single topic rules.
For example, the following rule specifies that the body of the response will display the price of the one XYZ stock event matched by the rule in place of ${price}:
WHEN 1 stock WITH symbol = "XYZ" AND price < 90 THEN EmailBrokerResponse WITH to="", body="XYZ is trading at ${price}."
The result of the rule is an email containing “XYZ is trading at 72.”
If you reference a topic property within a response that does not contain a value, the rule evaluates, but the response output displays null where the value appears normally.


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