- RulePoint 6.1.2
- All Products
| Description
| The name of the SQL analytic. This must be a unique name.
| Optional. The description of the analytic.
| Select
SQL Analytic .
| Select the connection type from the list of available connections.
SQL Query
| The SQL query to run against the target database.
Use question marks to identify the substitution parameters in the SQL statement that will be replaced by the data values provided in the rule.
Condition Evaluation Required
| Specifies whether the analytic is part of conditional evaluation within a rule. Set to 'false' if the result of the analytic can be used only for enrichment. The default value is True.
Cache Duration
| Time period, in seconds, for which the result of the analytic is to be cached.
WHEN 1 transaction WITH TransactionCount( Merchant_Name , Purchase_Date ) as result > 40 then response with body = “${result}”