A marshaller can be attached to a source, to enrich the events that are published by the source, before they can be processed by the Event Processor. Similarly, on the responder side, you can attach a marshaller (called as an Unmarshaller) to enrich or to do some bookkeeping on the activation before sending it out to the responder.
A typical use case for a marshaller would involve a source that is configured to listen to an external JMS provider which publishes Map messages. You might want to enrich the entries in the map before they can be processed by the Event Processor. So, you can create a Marshaller by using the standard interfaces, where the MapMessage entries can be processed as required.
Complete the following steps to configure a Marshaller:
Enter the fully-qualified class name in the Marshaller class field.
Enter the properties (key-value pairs) that you want to pass on to the Marshaller, in the Marshaller Properties field. Use commas as delimiters.
Copy the jar file containing the marshaller class to the
Restart the run-time environment, if it is running.