Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Verifying an Email's Digital Signature

Verifying an Email's Digital Signature

When retrieving email messages some may be digitally signed from the sender. In order for you to process these messages the sender's public certificate will need to imported into
Managed File Transfer
. Follow the steps below to encrypt an email:
  1. Launch the SSL Certificate Manager by first logging in as a user with a Key Manager role.
  2. From the Tools menu, click
    SSL Certificate Manager
    item from the main menu bar.
  3. Make sure the Default Trusted Certificates Key Store is selected and click the
  4. Click the  Import Certificate menu option in the tool bar.
  5. Browse for the sender's public certificate on your local file system and click
  6. If the import was successful the sender's public certificate will now reside in your Default Trusted Certificates Key Store.
  7. Select
    from the main menu, click
    , and then navigate to the folder where the new Project should go.
  8. Click the  
    Create a Project
    button, specify a Project Name and click
  9. From within the Project Designer page, expand the Email folder in the Component Library, and then drag the Retrieve Email task to the Project Outline.
  10. Within the Retrieve Email task page:
    1. Select the Mail Box resource from the drop-down list.
    2. Specify a Destination Directory. This directory will contain all attachments received. It is recommended to use a workspace so that each execution of the Project will have a clean working directory.
    3. Click the
      When the Project is executed it will connect to the Mail Box specified and retrieve any messages waiting to be processed. If the messages contains a digital signature the signature will be verified against the Default Trusted Certificates Key Store. If the sender's certificate is not found then an error will be displayed indicating that the sender could not be verified.
      After importing the sender's certificate review the certificate's Issuer. If the certificate was issued by a certificate that does not exist in the Default Trusted Certificates Key Store the signature verification will fail.


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