Add a Module to the Project by right-clicking the Project component and selecting Add a Module.
Add a Variable to the Project by right-clicking the Project component and selecting Add a Variable.
Import a Project Source containing variables or code snippets by right-clicking the Project or Module component and selecting Import Project Source.
Add an IF Condition to the Project by right-clicking the Module and selecting Add If.
Add a Loop to a Module by right-clicking the Module component and selecting the desired Loop type.
Add an Element to a Task by right-clicking the component and selecting the element type.
Add a Comment to a Module, Task, Element, Variable or IF Condition by right-clicking the component and selecting Add a Comment.
Move Up a Module, Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition in the Project Outline by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Move Up.
Move Down a Module, Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition down in the Project Outline by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Move Down.
Delete a Module, Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition from a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Delete.
Cut a Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition from a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Cut.
Copy a Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition from a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Copy.
Paste a Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition into a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting the appropriate Paste option.
Disable a Module, Loop, Task or IF Condition by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Disable. Disabled components will appear dimmed in the Project Outline panel.
Enable a Module, Loop, Task or IF Condition by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit and then selecting Enable.
The right-click menu in the Project Outline pane is context sensitive to the particular component. The right-click menu will always provide the available attributes or options for the Project, Module, Task, Element or IF Condition.