Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Example 6: FTP Get Multiple Files Using a Wildcard Filter

Example 6: FTP Get Multiple Files Using a Wildcard Filter

Follow the steps below to get a multiple files from an FTP Server resource using a Wildcard Filter:
  1. From within the Project Designer page, expand the FTP folder in the Component Library, and then drag the FTP task to the Project Outline.
  2. On the Basic tab of the FTP task, specify a value for the FTP Server:
    FTP Server
    A pre-configured FTP server from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the
    button and select the Create a Files List menu item.
  4. On the Basic tab of the Create a File list element, specify values for the following attributes:
    File List Variable
    The name of a variable that will contain the list of files being created.
    Number of Files Found Variable
    The name of a variable which will contain the number of files found. The variable may be used in subsequent tasks.
  5. Click the
    button and select the Add a File Set menu item.
  6. On the Basic tab of the File Set element, specify values for the following attributes:
    Base Directory
    The directory on the FTP server that contains the files to list.
    Specify whether or not to also download files from all sub-folders.
  7. Click the
    button and select the Add a Wildcard Filter menu item. Note: Wildcard filters do not have any attributes that can be changed.
  8. Click the
    button and choose Exclude Files.
  9. On the Basic tab of the Exclude element, specify the values for the following attributes:
    The pattern to match. An asterisk (*) matches any number of characters and a question mark (?) matches a single character.
    Case Sensitive
    Specify whether or not the pattern is case sensitive.
  10. Click the
    button and select the Get Files menu item.
  11. On the Basic tab of the Get Files element, specify values for the following attributes:
    Source Files Variable
    The name of a variable of type Remote File List which contains the files to retrieve from the remote server. (Created in step 5.)
    Destination Directory
    Specify where on the local system the files should be downloaded. If the specified directory does not exist, it will be created.
  12. Click the
    button when finished.


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