For added authentication, Host Key Fingerprints can be used by the client (
Managed File Transfer
), to verify the authenticity of the host SCP server. If, when connecting to the SCP server, the host key fingerprint entered into
Managed File Transfer
DOES NOT match the fingerprint on the server's private key,
Managed File Transfer
will error out saying it does not trust the target server. This is to prevent connecting to the wrong server in a case where someone is trying to spoof the IP of the SCP server in question resulting in the data going to a wrong and most likely malicious destination. Follow the steps below to add Host Key Fingerprint verification to a SCP Task:
Contact the administrator of the host server to which the
Managed File Transfer
SCP Task is connecting.
Ask them for the Fingerprint of the Private Key used in the SCP session.
On the SCP Task page, click the
SCP Server
tab, open the SSH Keys fold and then type the fingerprint in the Host Key field.