Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Fast Clone Overview
  3. Configuring and Using the Fast Clone Server
  4. Creating Cloning Configuration Files in the Fast Clone Console
  5. Unloading Data from the Source Database
  6. Loading Data to a Target
  7. Remote Configuration Management
  8. Fast Clone Command Line Interface
  9. Troubleshooting
  10. Fast Clone Configuration File Parameters
  11. Glossary

User Guide

User Guide

Netezza Load Settings

Netezza Load Settings

On the
Runtime Settings
Netezza Load Settings
view, you can configure load settings for Netezza targets.
The following table describes the fields in this view:
Parameter Name
Enable Netezza Direct Data Stream
Indicates whether to use DataStreamer to load data to a Netezza target. Select this option to stream data directly to the Netezza target by using the Netezza external tables that are represented by the named pipes.
Not selected
Pipe directory path
If you use DataStreamer to load data to a Netezza target, specifies the directory in which Fast Clone creates named pipes that represent Netezza external tables.
On Windows, DataStreamer ignores this parameter because the named pipes are created in the named pipe directory that is mounted under the special path \\.\pipe\.
The output directory
Error log directory name
If you use DataStreamer to load data to a Netezza target, specifies the directory in which DataStreamer creates the following Netezza log files:
  • table_name
    .nzlog. This log file includes load statistics and diagnostic messages that the Netezza ODBC driver issues when loading data to the target tables from the corresponding external tables.
  • table_name
    .nzbad. This log file includes the external table rows that DataStreamer could not load to the corresponding target table.
The output directory
Max errors
If you use DataStreamer, the maximum number of errors that can occur when streaming data to a Netezza target. If the number of errors exceeds this maximum, DataStreamer ends with an error.
Quoted value
If you use DataStreamer to load data to a Netezza target, specifies the value of the QuotedValue option for the Netezza external tables. DataStreamer requires this option to build correct Insert statements when loading data to the target tables from the corresponding external tables. Options are:
  • single
    . Indicates that the data values in the external tables are enclosed with single quotation marks.
  • double
    . Indicates that the data values in the external tables are enclosed with double quotation marks.
  • no
    . Indicates that the data values in the external tables are not quoted.
Ensure that the quotation character that you specify for the load operation matches the quotation character that you specify for the unload operation. For unload jobs, Fast Clone uses the quotation character that you specify in the
Enclosed by
field on the
Runtime Settings
tab >
Format Settings
Control character and carriage returns
If you use DataStreamer to load data to a Netezza target, specifies the value of the EscapeChar option for the Netezza external tables. This option indicates whether the control characters, such as delimiter and backslash characters, are escaped in the data fields of the external tables. The Netezza external tables use a backslash as an escape character.


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