Specify the following command line parameters to connect to the source database:
The target database type. Options are:
. Use this option for flat file targets.
. Use this option for Greenplum targets.
. Use this option for Cloudera targets.
. Use this option for Hive targets.
. Use this option for Hortonworks targets.
. Use this option for Microsoft SQL Server targets.
. Use this option for Netezza targets.
. Use this option for Oracle targets.
. Use this option for Teradata targets.
. Use this option for Vertica targets.
Default value: oracle
The host name or IP address of the system where the target database runs.
The target instance name or database name for the tables to be loaded.
The number of rows in a batch that is passed to the Microsoft SQL Server osql utility for loading data to the target. The osql utility copies each batch to the target server as one transaction.
Fast Clone uses this value as the BATCHSIZE option value in the BULK INSERT statement for the osql utility.
Range of values: 1 through 1000000
Default value: 10000
For Greenplum and Teradata targets, the maximum number of errors that can occur when streaming data to the target database with DataStreamer. If the number of errors exceeds this maximum, DataStreamer ends with an error.
For Microsoft SQL Server targets, specifies the maximum number of syntax errors that can appear in the output data files before the osql utility cancels the BULK INSERT operation. The osql utility ignores all of the rows that it cannot parse and counts an error for each row. Fast Clone uses this value as the MAXERRORS option value in the BULK INSERT statement for the osql utility.
Range of values: 1 through 1000000
Default value: 100000
A valid password for the user that is specified by the
parameter. If you specify a forward slash (/) in the
parameter, Fast Clone ignores the password and uses operating system authentication
The port number that Fast Clone uses to connect to the target database.
Default value: No default value is provided.
The target schema name or schema owner for the tables to be loaded.
The name of a user who has permissions to connect to the target database and load the source data. If you specify a forward slash (/) in this parameter, Fast Clone ignores the password and uses operating system authentication.
For Greenplum targets, if you load data to the target database from data files or pipes, the path to the Greenplum loader root directory that Fast Clone uses to locate the gpload utility and generate valid load scripts.