is the number of CPUs available for Oracle to use. The
is usually
If the server has many CPUs, select a parallel degree value equal to or less than the number of CPU cores.
If other applications are running on the same server as the Hub, decide how many CPU resources can be allocated to the Hub and then use this number when setting the appropriate parallel degree.
Check the current parallel degree setting by running the following SQL*Plus command:
select DBMS_STATS.GET_PREFS( 'DEGREE' ) from dual;
If necessary, set the appropriate parallel degree by running one of the following SQL*Plus commands:
In Oracle 10g:
appropriate parallel degree value
In Oracle 11g:
appropriate parallel degree value
Test performance using the new parallel degree value by running the following SQL command for a large table:
Repeat steps 3 and 4, reducing the parallel degree each time, until wait events are eliminated and performance is acceptable.