Select a workspace resource, such as sample data, WSDL, or XSL file.
You can add sample data files to your orchestration project and then add sample data files to WSDL messages that are complex types. You can select a default sample for all processes you create in Process Developer. On a process by process basis, you can add sample data to process variables in addition to or instead of using the samples added to a project or Interfaces view.
To add a sample data file to a message variable:
In Participants or Interfaces view, expand a message with a complex part, and select a message part for which you want to add a sample XML data file.
Double-click the complex part to open the
Select the source project location for the file.
Browse to the file, select it, and click
The first file you add is set as the default sample, but you can add additional files and select one of them as the default.