When you save a process, behind the scenes a screen shot of your process is automatically saved. When you deploy the project, Process Console uses this image to display the Detail Graph View of the process. The process you see on the Process Console matches that of the Process Editor canvas.
You can disable automatic saves of a process image and manually generate an image. To enable the Generate Deployment Image option, go to the process' Properties view, select the All tab, and change the Image Generation option to Manual (from Automatic). Then you must select Generate Deployment Image before you deploy if you want an exact layout match on the server.
If you do not generate the image, a default layout of the BPEL process is used that does not necessarily match the exact layout in your canvas.
The purpose of the manual option is to allow for better performance of file saves for large processes. If you experience long file saves, you can set the process' Image Generation property to Manual. Also, you may want to disable automatic image generation for a process that is deployed as non-persistent (no process information is stored when a process terminates). Non-persistent processes are not displayed in the Process Console.