Use the Eclipse Web Page Editor for creating HTML Requests and Tasks for Process Central.
Once you create an Process Central form, it is displayed in the Web Page editor. You may want to make simple edits to the form as follows:
Add instructions for end users.
Add HTML tags, such as <p> </p>or <ul> </ul> to include details on how to use the form.
Improve the look and function of the form with inline styles, images, and links.
Add common HTML links such as <href> and <img>. Images can be deployed to the Process Server as resources within the business process archive (BPR) file. For details, see
Deploying Forms, Reports, and Configuration Files.
Process Developer includes the Eclipse Web Page editor for editing request and task forms. Note that in Process Developer Preferences, a setting is enabled for the Web Page editor to include a Process Central style sheet. The style sheet includes the font and background styles for Process Central.
Editing in the Web Page Editor
The Web Page editor contains two editing panes: Design and Source. The Design pane shows the form in graphical mode and the Source pane contains the HTML tags and JavaScript functions.
Toolbar buttons allow you to show or hide either pane or split the panes horizontally or vertically. Additionally, you can apply simple formatting for text elements, such as bold or italics.
An Outline view is helpful for selecting a construct in the editing pane.
For a view of what the form will look like in Process Central, select the Preview tab. Preview shows the placement and look of paragraphs, tables, control buttons and other constructs, but command buttons are for display only.
In Design mode, use the HTML palette to add additional constructs, such as text fields, images and lines.