Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. RulePoint
  3. RulePoint Concepts
  4. Using RulePoint
  5. RulePoint Objects
  6. Working with Topics
  7. Working with Connections
  8. Working with Sources
  9. Working with Responders
  10. Working with Responses
  11. Working with Watchlists
  12. Working with Analytics
  13. DRQL
  14. Working with Rules
  15. Working with Alerts
  16. Setting Access Controls
  17. Troubleshooting RulePoint Issues
  18. Connecting to an Ultra Messaging Application
  19. Creating an Ultra Messaging JMS Source

User Guide

User Guide

Specifying Event Set Behavior

Specifying Event Set Behavior

When selecting topics, you can specify an event set behavior to describe how you want RulePoint to dispose of events after they have participated in the activation of a rule.
The following event set behaviors are available and are listed in priority order:
  1. removeAll. Evaluate each event once and then remove all participating events from future evaluation. This is the default value. You can use the removeAll behavior if you do not want to specify another behavior in the rule.
  2. removeOldest. Remove the oldest participating event from future evaluation.
  3. removeNone. Keep all participating events and use them in future evaluation.
You would change the default behavior if you want to reevaluate the prior events along with new events.
For example, the events E1, E2, and E3 activate the following rule:
WHEN 3 stock WITH symbol = "XYZ"
Event ID
Time stamp
Based on which behavior that you specify, the events are either removed or kept for future rule evaluation as shown in the following table:
Event Set Behavior
Events Removed after Activation
Event Remaining after Activation
remove all
E1, E2, E3
remove oldest
E2, E3
remove none
E1, E2, E3
You can specify a different behavior for each topic in a rule. To do so, place the topic name or topic alias in parentheses after the appropriate behavior. For example, in the following rule, the DailyStockInfo topic generates events with historical statistics for stocks:
WHEN 1 stock, 1 DailyStockInfo with sum(stock.price) as x >10 then response remove all(stock), none(DailyStockInfo)
If you create a rule that compares current stock events with historical stock events, you might want to remove all stock events but keep all DailyStockInfo events.
If you use more than one behavior with one topic, the behavior with the higher priority takes precedence.
You can define the same event set behavior using topic aliases:
WHEN 1 stock s, 1 DailyStockInfo d WITH sum(s.price) as x >10 then response remove all(s) and none(d)
You also can specify one behavior for multiple topics at the same time. To do so, place the comma separated topic aliases in parentheses after the behavior as shown in the following rule:
WHEN 1 stock s, 1 dailystockinfo d WITH sum(s.price)>10 then response remove none(s,d)


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