Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. RulePoint
  3. RulePoint Concepts
  4. Using RulePoint
  5. RulePoint Objects
  6. Working with Topics
  7. Working with Connections
  8. Working with Sources
  9. Working with Responders
  10. Working with Responses
  11. Working with Watchlists
  12. Working with Analytics
  13. DRQL
  14. Working with Rules
  15. Working with Alerts
  16. Setting Access Controls
  17. Troubleshooting RulePoint Issues
  18. Connecting to an Ultra Messaging Application
  19. Creating an Ultra Messaging JMS Source

User Guide

User Guide

Amazon CloudWatch Source Properties

Amazon CloudWatch Source Properties

When you create an Amazon CloudWatch source, you enter the name and configuration details for the source through the RulePoint user interface. The source reads the metrics for the requested data points as an ordered set of time-series data. The data stream read is identified by an end point, namespace, metric name, period, dimension, and the start time that you specify.
The following table describes the configuration properties of an Amazon CloudWatch source:
Name of the source. The source name must be unique.
Optional. The description of the service.
Type of source. Select
Amazon CloudWatch Source
The connection type that you want to associate the source with. Select
Amazon Web Services Connection
. You must create the connection before you create an Amazon CloudWatch source.
The topic to which the Amazon CloudWatch source posts events. Select the topic name that corresponds to the source.
End Point
The URL that identifies a host and a port that constitute as the entry point for a web service. Every web service request contains an end point. Some AWS products provide regional end points to make your requests. Use the regional end points to reduce data latency in your application and facilitate faster connectivity.
A string defined for a specific metric that you want to read from CloudWatch. The namespace is an abstract container for the items contained in that metric, which helps isolate one metric from another. For example, provide a namespace string beginning with AWS/<service name> for the corresponding metric in Amazon CloudWatch that you want to retrieve. The service name is the name of the Amazon application from where CloudWatch collects the metric.
Metric Name
A name to identify the metric, which represents a time-ordered set of data points that you want the source to read. The metric name, combined with the namespace and optional dimensions, is the primary identifier of a specific metric in CloudWatch.
For example, a metric might be the CPU utilization of an AWS service that CloudWatch monitors.
The length of time associated for CloudWatch to aggregate all the data points for the period that you specify, beginning from the specified start time. Specify the granularity for the period in seconds and specify the period values as multiples of the number. The minimum granularity that you can specify is 60 seconds, and the maximum granularity is 1,209,600 seconds. The default value is 60.
For example, if you specify a period of at least 60 seconds, specify the period values as multiples of 60. CloudWatch aggregates all the data points with time stamps that fall within that period.
A name-value pair to uniquely identify a metric.
For example, you can specify the dimensions for a metric as InstanceType=m1.small or EngineName=rule_processing engine and receive statistics for the combination specified. The dimension contains additional information to help you identify a metric.
Start Time
The time for which CloudWatch returns the first data point for the metric. CloudWatch creates time stamps for all the data points it receives for a metric. Based on the start time you specify, CloudWatch provides the data points from the start time with the time stamp specified.
You must follow the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI to specify the start time. CloudWatch rounds off the specified start time to the nearest value.
As CloudWatch stores accumulated data for only two weeks in the past and up to two hours in the future, specify the start time accordingly.
Marker ID
Optional. The name to assign to the marker. This is the batch name that the sever associates with all published events. Avoid using multiple batch names because the system treats them as a single string. Specify one batch name for each source. When you configure a marker ID in the source, the marker ID demarcates a set of events between the marker_begin and the marker_end events.
For more information, see "Markers" in the
RulePoint Administration Guide
Property Metadata Map
Optional. The unique name-value pairs of static metadata or additional information about this service that becomes part of the event properties. Do not use a null value for any property. Do not include a space in the name of the metadata property. The name-value pairs appear in every event published by this source service.
Format for Property Metadata: Name=Jane Doe, Age=10. If you input an entry that contains a delimiter, such as a comma or a semicolon, you must enclose the entry within quotation marks. Enclosing a numeric entry within quotation marks makes it a string or non-numeric. You cannot do math computation with a non-numeric entry.
Marshaller Class Name
Class name of the marshaller. The marshaller class is responsible for converting or enriching the source event properties. It must include the full class name including the classpath. You must add the jar file that contains this class into the RulePoint library.
Marshaller Properties
Properties of the marshaller. You must pass the properties as comma-separated key-value pairs to the marshaller class. For example, property1=value1,property2=value2.


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