- RulePoint 6.1
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the responder. The responder name must be unique.
| Optional. Description of the responder.
| Type of responder. Select
Amazon CloudWatch Responder .
| Type of connection. Select
Amazon Web Services Connection .
End Point
| The URL that identifies a host and a port that constitute as the entry point for a web service. Every web service request contains an end point. Some AWS products provide regional end points to make your requests. Use the regional end points to reduce data latency in your application and facilitate faster connectivity.
| A string defined for the metric you want to publish to CloudWatch. Namespace is an abstract container for the items contained in that metric, which isolates one metric from the other. For example, provide a namespace string beginning with AWS/<service name> for the metric you want to publish in CloudWatch. The service name is the name of the Amazon application to which the metrics are published.
Metric Name
| A name to identify the metric, which represents a time-ordered set of data points that you want CloudWatch to read. The metric name combined with the namespace and optional dimensions is the primary identifier of a specific metric in CloudWatch. For example, you might want to publish the numbers of events received for a metric in RulePoint on to CloudWatch.
| A name-value pair to uniquely identify a metric. For example, you can specify the dimensions for a metric as InstanceType=m1.small or EngineName=mysql and request statistics for the combination specified. The dimension contains additional information to publish a specific metric in CloudWatch.
Metric Value
| The value for the metric that you want to write into CloudWatch. The value parameter accepts numbers of type Double, but Amazon CloudWatch truncates values with base-10 exponents greater than 126 (1 x 10^126) and less than -130 (1 x 10^-130).
Metric Unit
| The unit for the metric. Select the unit from the list.
Marshaller Class Name
| Class name of the marshaller.
Marshaller Properties
| Key-value pairs to pass as properties of the marshaller.