- RulePoint 6.1
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geooutsidearea(pointLat,pointLong,polyLat1,polyLong1,polyLat2,polyLong2,polyLat3,polyLong3,[polyLat4],[ polyLong4],..)
| Required
| Description
pointLat, pointLong
| Required
| The two geo points that form the point.
polyLat1, polyLong1, polyLat2, polyLong2, polyLat3, polyLong3
| Required
| The minimum points that form a polygon. The number of latitude arguments must be equal to the number longitude arguments.
| Optional
| The other points that form a polygon.
Parameter Input Options
| Datatype
Event property
| Real number
Watchlist values
| Real number
WHEN 1 boat b with geooutsidearea(, b.long, "100.0","100.0", "100", "-100.0", "-100.0", "-100.0", "100.0","-100.0") as result then response with body= “${result}”
Event Property Value
| Description
| Result
| Provide latitude-longitude reference points and multiple latitude-longitude points of a polygon to verify the points are outside the defined polygon.
| true