- RulePoint 6.1
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the responder. The responder name must be unique.
| Optional. Description of the responder.
| The responder type. Select
Ultra Messaging Responder .
| The type of connection to connect to the UM responder. Select
umconnection .
Message Type
| The intended message type. It can be Text (String), Byte Array, or LBM Message Properties.
Message Body
| The body of the UM message that the responder sends on the configured external UM topic. The message type can be a text (string) of byte array, or the LBM properties:
If you set the message type as Text or Byte Array, the Ultra Messaging Responder publishes the message on the destination UM topic and publishes it as the value of the response property "ummsg."
If you set the message type as LBM Properties, the Ultra Messaging Responder writes response properties as Ultra Messaging message headers and sends them as message properties. The "ummsg" message property sets as an empty byte array of size 1.
Destination Topic
| Name of the topic on the UM receiving application that receives the processed UM native messages.
Session ID
| Enter a UM session ID, which is a 64-bit value to identify the UM receiver. The session ID is unique and must be the same for the UM source and the receiver. Default is -1. In this case, any receiver can receive the messages from the configured UM topics.
Source Parameters
| The configuration parameters of the source defined in the
lbm.cfg file. You can override the configuration parameters in the source type by specifying the options.
Use the following pattern to enter the source parameters:
If you have multiple source parameters, place each parameter on a separate line.
Marshaller Class Name
| Class name of the marshaller. The marshaller class is responsible for converting or enriching the source event properties. It must include the full class name including the classpath. You must add the jar containing this class into the RulePoint library.
Marshaller Properties
| Properties of the marshaller. You must pass the properties as key value pairs, separated by a comma, to the marshaller class. For example,
property1=value1,property2=value2 .