Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. RulePoint
  3. RulePoint Concepts
  4. Using RulePoint
  5. RulePoint Objects
  6. Working with Topics
  7. Working with Connections
  8. Working with Sources
  9. Working with Responders
  10. Working with Responses
  11. Working with Watchlists
  12. Working with Analytics
  13. DRQL
  14. Working with Rules
  15. Working with Alerts
  16. Setting Access Controls
  17. Troubleshooting RulePoint Issues
  18. Connecting to an Ultra Messaging Application
  19. Creating an Ultra Messaging JMS Source

User Guide

User Guide

SQL Source

SQL Source

The SQL source service connects to a database and executes SQL queries or commands to create RulePoint events. The SQL source publishes an event for each row returned from an SQL query.
You can configure the SQL Source service to pull only the new or updated records from the database based on the last scheduled run of the SQL service. The filter to select only the updated records is built into the SQL query based on information retained and provided by the SQL source.


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