- RulePoint 6.1
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indexof(event property,event index)
| Required
| Description
event property
| Required
| Assesses any one of the event properties.
event index
| Required
| Assesses a specific event in an event set.
indexof(event property,starting index,ending index)
| Required
| Description
event property
| Required
| Assesses any one of the event properties.
event index
| Required
| Specifies the index range, from start to end.
Parameter Input Options
| Datatype
Event property
| Real number
Watchlist values
| Real number
when 2 stock s with indexof(s.prop1,1 ) as result >4 then response with body= “${result}”
Event Property Value
| Description
| Result
s.prop[1]=5 à 1st event
s.prop[0]=1 à latest event
| Verifies if an event property of a specific index is greater than 4.
| 5
when 3 stock s with indexof(s.prop1,0,2 ) as result >4 then response with body= “${result}”
Event Property Value
| Description
| Result
s.prop[2]=2 à 1st event
s.prop[1]=1 à 2nd event
s.prop[0]=5 à latest event
| Verifies whether all the values of an event property in the specified index range is greater than 4.
| 5