- RulePoint 6.1
- All Products
Source Type
| Description
| Connection
| Schedule
| Test Source
Amazon CloudWatch
| Receives an Amazon CloudWatch metric and publishes the metric to a topic as events.
| Amazon Web Services Connection
| Yes
| No
Amazon Kinesis
| Reads messages from the Amazon Kinesis stream.
| Amazon Web Services Connection
| No
| No
Event Generator
| Reads an XML file from a specified URL, parses events from the file, and then publishes those events to a specific topic.
| No
| Yes
| No
File Input Source
| Monitors a file for changes and generates an event when the service detects a change to the contents of the file.
| No
| Yes
| No
URL Monitoring Source
| Monitors a URL for changes and generates an event when the service detects a change to the contents of the URL.
| No
| Yes
| No
Instant Messaging Source (Jabber or XMPP)
| Receives instant messages by connecting to a Jabber or XMPP server and publishes those messages as events.
| Yes
(Instant Messaging Connection)
| No
| No
JMS Source
| Produces events by receiving messages from a JMS provider and publishes those messages as events.
| Yes
(JMS Connection)
| No
| No
RSS Source
| Reads news feeds in RSS format and processes them as RulePoint events.
| No
| Yes
| No
SQL Source
| Connects to a database and executes an SQL query or command to publish a RulePoint event.
| Yes
(SQL connection)
| Yes
| Yes
Web Service Source
| Sends a formatted SOAP message to run a remote WSDL operation.
| No
| Yes
| No
Ultra Messaging Source
| Receives messages from a UM topic, publishes these messages to a RulePoint topic, and processes them as RulePoint events.
| Yes
| No
| No