Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Managed File Transfer Welcome Overview
  3. Dashboard
  4. Resources
  5. Workflows
  6. Task Reference
  7. Services Overview
  8. Users
  9. Logs and Reports
  10. Encryption
  11. System
  12. Appendix
  13. Glossary Terms

Using the Project Outline

Using the Project Outline

The Project Outline provides a summary of the components and structured workflow of the Project.
Each component (node) in the Outline will have an icon which denotes its type, as described below.
IF Condition
- Loop
- Delay
Each component will also show a label (name) that was either specified by the user or the
Managed File Transfer
default (if a label was not specified by the user).
The Project Outline context menu can be displayed by right clicking on any component in the Outline. Components can be moved by dragging and dropping them in the Outline.
Listed below are the actions that can be performed in the Project Outline:
  • Add a Module to the Project by right-clicking the Project component and selecting Add a Module.
  • Add a Variable to the Project by right-clicking the Project component and selecting Add a Variable.
  • Import a Project Source containing variables or code snippets by right-clicking the Project or Module component and selecting Import Project Source.
  • Add an IF Condition to the Project by right-clicking the Module and selecting Add If.
  • Add a Loop to a Module by right-clicking the Module component and selecting the desired Loop type.
  • Add an Element to a Task by right-clicking the component and selecting the element type.
  • Add a Comment to a Module, Task, Element, Variable or IF Condition by right-clicking the component and selecting Add a Comment.
  • Move Up a Module, Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition in the Project Outline by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Move Up.
  • Move Down a Module, Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition down in the Project Outline by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Move Down.
  • Delete a Module, Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition from a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Delete.
  • Cut a Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition from a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Cut.
  • Copy a Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition from a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Copy.
  • Paste a Loop, Task, Element or IF Condition into a Project by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting the appropriate Paste option.
  • Disable a Module, Loop, Task or IF Condition by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit, and then selecting Disable. Disabled components will appear dimmed in the Project Outline panel.
  • Enable a Module, Loop, Task or IF Condition by right-clicking the component, pointing to Edit and then selecting Enable.
    The right-click menu in the Project Outline pane is context sensitive to the particular component. The right-click menu will always provide the available attributes or options for the Project, Module, Task, Element or IF Condition.

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