Metadata Manager
- Metadata Manager 10.4.1
- All Products
| Attributes
| Description
| Groups related entities. For example, you can specify a search label Table that could include entities like database tables, views and so on.
You can specify any number of search labels.
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| Provides a meaningful and unique name to a group of entities.
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| Assigns a priority between one and ten for a group. One indicates lowest priority and ten indicates highest priority. The search results appear based on the priority assigned to a group.
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| Provides details of the entities in a search label group.
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| Specifies the type of entity. Type can be Class_ID, Class_Type, or Favorite. You can use any combination of types when you define a group.
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| Specifies the value of the search label entry type.
You can specify the class_ID from IMW_Class, Class_Type from IMW_Class, and Favorite from MM_Favorite tables. You can also include custom classes in any group.