Use advanced generation when you want to apply multiple generation techniques to a column or when you want to configure multiple input and output columns in the same generation rule. You can generate test data for string, numeric, and date data types.
When you configure an advanced generation rule, create input ports, output ports, and variable ports. Variable columns are work fields that you can define to temporarily store data.
When you create the ports in the generation rule, the port names do not need to be the same as the column names in the target metadata. When you assign the generation rule to columns, you must map the rule columns to the target table columns.
Create the following types of ports in an advanced rule:
Optional. A port that takes input from a target column or from a parameter file. You do not need to map the input port to a column if you parameterize the input port.
A port that contains intermediate values in a calculation. The variable column receives a value from a generation technique. You can use the following generation techniques to generate data in the temporary variables: Generation Rule Set and Conditional. You can select the generation rules that are available based on the data type of the port.
You can create multiple variable ports and configure the variables based on a dependent variable port. You can configure multiple variable ports in order to combine multiple generation techniques.
The target column that receives the generated data. The output column type contains an expression to generate test data.
With an advanced generation rule, you can configure generation rules with specific conditions for target columns. To generate test data in a column based on the values in another column, you can group the records based on foreign keys.