You can create or modify the merge rules for accounts, contacts, leads, and person accounts.
From the
section of the
CC360 Admin tab
, click
Run the Setup Wizard
, click
Merge Settings
Merge Settings
page appears.
To create the merge rules of an object, click
for the object.
Master Record Details
, select one of the following rules to specify the account ID that you want to survive for the master record:
Retain Master
. ID of the current master record.
Oldest Created
. ID of the record with oldest creation date.
Newest Created
. ID of the record with latest creation date.
Latest Update
. ID of the record with latest modified date.
Default is
Retain Master
To configure merge rules for a field, perform the following tasks:
Merge Field Rules
, click
Select the field for which you want to configure a merge rule.
Select one of the following merge rules for the added field.
. Uses the value from the master record.
First Created
. Uses the value with the oldest creation date.
Last Created
. Uses the value with the latest creation date.
Oldest Update
. Uses the value with the oldest modified date.
Oldest Update Non NULL
. If the value from the master record is null, the field uses the value that is not null and with the oldest modified date. If the master record value is not null, the field uses the value from the master record.
Latest Update
. Uses the value with the latest modified date.
Latest Update Non NULL
. If the value from the master record is null, the field uses the value that is not null and with the latest modified date. If the master record value is not null, the field uses the value from the master record.
When you use the Oldest Update Non Null or Latest Update Non Null merge rules, you can update the field irrespective of whether the master record value is null or not null.
To update the field with the master record value irrespective of whether the master record value is null or not null, use the following code in the Salesforce Developer Console:
DSE.API_SettingsManager.updateInternalSetting('Update master if null', 'false');
Default is
To modify the existing merge rules, update the merge rules for the existing fields: