The following data fragment shows a sample of the twitter data that you analyze in the mapping:
Twitter Message
RT @GanaphoneS3: Faltan 10 minutos para la gran rifa de un iPhone 5...
RT @Clarified: How to Downgrade Your iPhone 4 From iOS 6.x to iOS 5.x (Mac)...
RT @jerseyjazz: The razor was the iPhone of the early 2000s
RT @KrissiDevine: Apple Pie that I made for Thanksgiving.
RT @sophieHz: Dan yang punya 2 kupon undian. Masuk dalam kotak undian yang berhadiah Samsung
RT @IsabelFreitas: o galaxy tem isso isso isso e a bateria à melhor que do iPhone
RT @PremiusIpad: Faltan 15 minutos para la gran rifa de un iPhone 5...
RT @payyton3: I want apple cider
RT @wiesteronder: Retweet als je iets van Apple, Nike, Adidas of microsoft hebt!