When the Data Integration Service runs a SELECT query, the SQL transformation returns a row for each row it retrieves. When the query does not retrieve data, the SQL transformation returns zero or one row for each input row.
Query statement processing
When a SELECT query is successful, the SQL transformation might retrieve multiple rows. When the query contains other statements, the Data Integration Service might generate a row that contains SQL errors or the number of rows affected.
Port configuration
The NumRowsAffected output port contains the number of rows that an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement changes for one input row. The SQL transformation returns the number of rows affected for each statement in a query. When the SQL transformation contains pass-through ports, the transformation returns the column data at least one time for each source row.
The maximum row count configuration
The Max Output Row Count limits the number of rows the SQL transformation returns from SELECT queries.
Error rows
The Data Integration Service returns row errors when it encounters connection errors or syntax errors. The SQL transformation returns errors to the SQLError port.
Continue on SQL Error
You can configure the SQL transformation to continue processing when there is an error in an SQL statement. The SQL transformation does not generate a row error.