Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Data Quality 10.4.0
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| Lookup Source Type
| Description
Lookup Cache Persistent
| Flat file, reference table, relational lookup
| Indicates whether the Integration Service uses a persistent lookup cache, which consists of at least two cache files. If a Lookup transformation is configured for a persistent lookup cache and persistent lookup cache files do not exist, the Integration Service creates the files.
Case Sensitive String Comparison
| Flat file
| The Integration Service uses case-sensitive string comparisons when performing lookups on string columns.
Null Ordering
| Flat file
| Determines how the Integration Service orders null values. You can choose to sort null values high or low. By default, the Integration Service sorts null values high. This overrides the Integration Service configuration to treat nulls in comparison operators as high, low, or null. For relational lookups, null ordering is based on the database default value.
Tracing Level
| Flat file, logical data object, reference table, relational lookup
| Sets the amount of detail that appears in the log for this transformation. You can choose terse, normal, verbose initialization, or verbose data. Default is normal.
Update Else Insert
| Reference table, relational lookup
| Applies to dynamic lookup cache only. The Integration Service updates the row in the cache if the row type entering the Lookup transformation is update, the row exists in the index cache, and the cache data is different than the existing row. The Integration Service inserts the row in the cache if it is new.
Insert Else Update
| Reference table, relational lookup
| Applies to dynamic lookup cache only. The Integration Service inserts the row in the cache if the row type entering the Lookup transformation is insert and it is new. If the row exists in the index cache but the data cache is different than the current row, the Integration Service updates the row in the data cache.
Output Old Value on Update
| Reference table, relational lookup
| The Integration Service outputs the value that existed in the cache before it updated the row. Otherwise, the Integration Service outputs the updated value that it writes in the cache.
Update Dynamic Cache Condition
| Reference table, relational lookup
| Applies to dynamic lookup cache only. An expression that indicates whether to update the dynamic cache. The Integration Service updates the cache when the condition is true and the data exists in the cache. Default is true.
| Reference table, relational lookup
| Connection to the relational database that contains the relational lookup source. You can use a parameter for the connection.
For reference table lookups, this field is read-only.
Sorted Input
| Flat file
| Indicates that input data is presorted by groups.
Datetime Format
| Flat file
| Define a datetime format and field width. Milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds formats have a field width of 29. If you do not select a datetime format for a port, you can enter any datetime format.
Default is YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. The Datetime format does not change the size of the port. This field is read-only.
Thousand Separator
| Flat file
| Value is None. This field is read-only.
Decimal Separator
| Flat file
| Value is a period. This field is read-only.