Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Data integration tasks
  3. Mapping tasks
  4. Dynamic mapping tasks
  5. Synchronization tasks
  6. Data transfer tasks
  7. Replication tasks
  8. Masking tasks
  9. Masking rules
  10. PowerCenter tasks



Data integration tasks

Data integration tasks

A data integration task is a process that you configure to analyze, extract, transform, and load data. You can run individual tasks manually or set tasks to run on a schedule.
You can use the following tasks to integrate data:
  • Mapping
    . Use to process data based on the data flow logic defined in a mapping.
  • Dynamic mapping
    . Use to run multiple jobs with different parameters based on the data flow logic defined in the same mapping.
  • Synchronization
    . Use to load data and integrate applications, databases, and files. Includes add-on functionality such as mapplets.
  • Data transfer
    . Use to move data from a source to a target. Optionally, sort and filter data before loading it to the target.
  • Replication
    . Use to replicate data from Salesforce or database sources to database or file targets. You might replicate data to archive the data, perform offline reporting, or consolidate and manage data.
  • Masking
    . Use to replace source data in sensitive columns with realistic test data for non-production environments.
    rules define the logic to replace the sensitive data. Assign
    rules to the columns you need to mask.
  • PowerCenter. Use to import a PowerCenter workflow and run it as a
    Data Integration
    PowerCenter task.
When you create a task,
Data Integration
walks you through the required steps. The options and properties that display depend on the task type
, the options that you select, and the licenses enabled for the organization
For example, for a
task, advanced Salesforce target options display on the
page of the task wizard if you select a Salesforce target connection for the task on the
page and your organization has the DSS Advanced Options license.
You can create a workflow of multiple tasks by linking the tasks in taskflows. For more information, see


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