Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Data integration tasks
  3. Mapping tasks
  4. Dynamic mapping tasks
  5. Synchronization tasks
  6. Data transfer tasks
  7. Replication tasks
  8. Masking tasks
  9. Masking rules
  10. PowerCenter tasks



Masking rules

Masking rules

You can select a masking rule for each source field on the
page that you want to mask. The rules that you can select from depend on the data type of the field that you want to mask.
The following table describes the masking rules that you can apply to source fields:
Masking rule
Credit Card Masking
Masks a credit card number with a number that has a valid checksum. You can mask the string data type.
Email Masking
Masks an email address with a random email address. You can mask the string data type.
Email Advanced Masking
Masks an email address with a realistic email address from a first name, last name, and a domain name. You can mask the string data type.
IP Address Masking
Applies a built-in mask format to disguise an IP address. You can mask the string data type.
Key Masking
Creates repeatable results for the same source data. You can mask date, numeric, and string data types.
Nullification Masking
Changes input values in a field to null. You can mask date, numeric, and string data types.
Phone Masking
Masks a phone number with random numbers in the same format as the original number. You can mask the string data type.
Random Masking
Produces random, nonrepeatable results. You can mask date, numeric, and string data types.
SIN Masking
Masks a Social Insurance number. You can mask a string data type.
SSN Masking
Masks a Social Security number with a valid number. You can mask the string data type.
Substitution Masking
Replaces a field with similar but unrelated data from a default dictionary file. You can mask the string data type.
Custom Substitution Masking
Replaces a field with similar but unrelated data from a custom flat file or relational dictionary. You can mask the string data type.
Dependent Masking
Replaces a field value with a value from a custom dictionary based on the values returned from the dictionary for another input column. You can mask the string data type.
URL Masking
Masks a URL by searching for the ‘://’ string and masking the substring to the right of it. You can mask a string data type.
Custom Masking
Applies an expression to mask the target field. You can mask a string, numeric, and date data types.
Mapplet Masking
Applies masking rules from a PowerCenter mapplet. The mapplet contains the logic to mask the input fields and return data to the target.

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