Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Data integration tasks
  3. Mapping tasks
  4. Dynamic mapping tasks
  5. Synchronization tasks
  6. Data transfer tasks
  7. Replication tasks
  8. Masking tasks
  9. Masking rules
  10. PowerCenter tasks



H2 database configuration requirements

H2 database configuration requirements

You must consider the maximum file size of the file system, cache size, and heap size when you configure the H2 database.
The H2 staging database has the following requirements:
  • When you use a FAT or FAT32 file system, the data limit for H2 database is 4 GB.
  • Configure the cache and heap size in the H2 startup script according to the source size and Secure Agent hardware configuration. An increase in the cache size improves staging, target load, and subset computation performance. Select the heap size based on the amount of physical memory that the system supports. The default cache size in the script is 2048 MB and the heap size is 4096 MB.
  • The heap size must be at least twice the size of the cache memory.
  • You can also configure the heap size for the staging connection on the
    page under
    Data Subset
The following example contains the section of code from the startup script file with the properties that you can configure:
@echo off :: Script location set H2_JAR_DIR=%~dp0 :: H2 Cache size in KBs set H2_CACHE_SIZE=2097152 :: H2 Jar Name set H2_JAR_PATH=%H2_JAR_DIR%h2-1.3.176.jar :: H2 DB Name set H2_DB=dmask :: JVM path set JVM_PATH=%H2_JAR_DIR%..\..\..\..\..\..\..\jre\bin :: JVM Options. Initial and maximum heap size set JVM_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx4g
You can change the H2_CACHE_SIZE value and the JVM_OPTS value to increase or decrease memory requirement for the H2 database. Higher memory allocation ensures better staging and subset computation performance.
Do not make other changes to the script file. Changes to other properties can damage the file.
The H2 startup script is available in the following location:
<Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\$$Version\ICS\main\tomcat\cmask\h2_start.bat


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