Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.3
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Key Width | Description |
Standard | Appropriate for most fuzzy match keys, balancing reliability and space usage. |
Extended | Might result in more match candidates, but at the cost of longer processing time to generate keys. This option provides some additional matching capability due to the concatenation of columns. This key width works best when:
Limited | Trades some match reliability for disk space savings. This option might result in fewer match candidates, but searches can be faster. This option works well if you are willing to undermatch for faster searches that use less disk space for the keys. Limited keys match fewer records with word-order variations than standard keys. This choice provides a subset of the Standard key set, but might be the best option if disk space is restricted or the data volume is extremely large. |
Preferred | Generates a single key per base object record. This option trades some match reliability for performance (reduces the number of matches that need to be performed) and disk space savings (reduces the size of the match key table). Depending on characteristics of the data, a preferred key width might result in fewer match candidates. |