Table of Contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Configuring Hub Console Tools
  3. Building the Data Model
  4. Configuring the Data Flow
  5. Executing Informatica MDM Hub Processes
  6. Configuring Application Access
  7. MDM Hub Properties
  8. Viewing Configuration Details
  9. Search with Solr
  10. Row-level Locking
  11. MDM Hub Logging
  12. Table Partitioning
  13. Collecting MDM Environment Information with the Product Usage Toolkit
  14. Glossary

Step 4: Configure the Searchable Fields

Step 4: Configure the Searchable Fields

A search request searches only the fields that you configure as searchable fields. The scope of a search request increases with the increased number of searchable fields. Multiple searchable fields might affect the performance of the search requests, so configure only the significant fields as searchable fields. For example, configure fields that contain full names, organization names, or email addresses as searchable fields rather than fields that contain country codes, gender codes, or address types.
Use one of the following methods to configure a searchable field:
  • Use the Provisioning tool.
  • Apply a change list to the repository.
You can configure the following properties for the searchable fields:
Indicates whether a search request can search the field for a search string. Set to true if you want to include the field in search requests. Set to false if you do not want to include the field in search requests. Default is false.
Applicable for search requests that use the Solr engine. Indicates whether a search request can display the field values in the search results if the values match the search string. The
property functions in conjunction with the
property, so set the
properties to true if you want to display the matching field values in the search results. Set the
property to false if you do not want to display the field values in the search results. Default is false.
Indicates whether you want to enable filtering on a field. The
Data Director
application displays the filterable fields as filters in the Search workspace. The
property functions in conjunction with the
property, so set the
properties to true if you want to configure the field as a filter. Set the
property to false if you do not want to configure the field as a filter. Default is false.
Indicates whether you want to set the field as a facet. A facet field groups the search result values and shows the count of each group. The
Data Director
application displays the facet fields, the field values grouped based on the search results, and the count of each group in the Search workspace. The
property functions in conjunction with the
property, so set the
, and
properties to true if you want to configure the field as a facet. Set the
property to false if you do not want to configure the field as a facet. Default is false.
Indicates whether you want to perform exact search or fuzzy search on the field values. An exact search returns values that match the search string. A fuzzy search returns values that match the search string and values that are similar to the search string. Set to true if you want to perform fuzzy search on the field values. Set to false if you want to perform exact search on the field values. Default is false.
Indicates whether you want to suggest the values of the field as the search string in the
Data Director
application. Set to true if you want to suggest the values of the field as the search string. Set to false if you do not want to suggest the values of the field as the search string.
Indicates the language of the field values. You can set the language of a field to Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or English. Use one of the following values for the
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • English
You must specify a language. You can use the search string in any of the configured languages. A search request searches the fields that match the language of the search string.
Indicates the range for the numeric or date fields that you configure as facets. Use the following format to specify the range:
<Start Value>,<End Value>,<Frequency>
The start value is inclusive, and the end value is exclusive in the range. For example, if you set
for an integer field, a search request returns the following ranges:
[1000 to 1500] [1500 to 2000]
The range
1000 to 1500
includes the values from 1000 to 1499, and the range
1500 to 2000
includes the values from 1500 to 1999.
Facets cannot be configured for negative numbers, but a search request still displays negative values.
For a date field, suffix
to the frequency, where
indicates year,
indicates month, and
indicates day. For example,
indicates 2 months.
If you set
, the
Data Director
application displays the following range in the Search workspace:
[01-01-2000 to 31-12-2003] [31-12-2003 to 31-12-2006] [31-12-2006 to 31-12-2009] [31-12-2009 to 31-12-2012]
The facet ranges are not visible in the
Data Director
application. When you use the Search Business Entity REST API to perform the search, the response can return the facet ranges.


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