Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.3
- All Products
XREF State Before Promote
| Base Object State Before Promote
| Hub Action on XREF
| Hub Action on BO
| Refresh BVT?
| Resulting BO State
| Operation Result
| Promote
| Update
| Yes
| Informatica MDM Hub promotes the pending XREF and recalculates the BVT to include the promoted XREF.
| Promote
| Promote
| Yes
| Informatica MDM Hub promotes the pending XREF and base object. The BVT is then calculated based on the promoted XREF.
| This operation behaves the same way regardless of the state of the base object record.
| None
| None
| No
| The state of the resulting base object record is unchanged by this operation.
| Informatica MDM Hub ignores DELETED records in Batch Promote. This scenario can only happen if a record that had been flagged for promotion is deleted prior to running the Promote batch process.
| This operation behaves the same way regardless of the state of the base object record.
| None
| None
| No
| The state of the resulting base object record is unchanged by this operation.
| Informatica MDM Hub ignores ACTIVE records in Batch Promote. This scenario can only happen if a record that had been flagged for promotion is made ACTIVE prior to running the Promote batch process.