Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction
  3. Part 2: Configuring Hub Console Tools
  4. Part 3: Building the Data Model
  5. Part 4: Configuring the Data Flow
  6. Part 5: Executing Informatica MDM Hub Processes
  7. Part 6: Configuring Application Access
  8. Appendix A: MDM Hub Properties
  9. Appendix B: Viewing Configuration Details
  10. Appendix C: Row-level Locking
  11. Appendix D: MDM Hub Logging
  12. Appendix E: Table Partitioning
  13. Appendix F: Collecting MDM Environment Information with the Product Usage Toolkit
  14. Appendix G: Glossary

Deploying Custom Buttons

Deploying Custom Buttons

Before you can see the custom buttons in the
Hub Console
, you need to explicitly add them using the DeployCustomFunction utility from the command line.
To deploy custom buttons:
  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Run the DeployCustomFunction utility, which loads and registers a JAR file that a user has created.
    To run DeployCustomFunction, two JAR files must be in the CLASSPATH—siperian-server.jar and the JDBC driver (in this case, ojdbc14.jar)— with directory paths that point to these files.
    Specify following command at the command prompt:
    java -cp siperian-server.jar; ojdbc14.jar com.siperian.mrm.customfunctions.dbadapters.DeployCustomFunction
    Reply to the prompts based on the configured settings for your
    Informatica MDM Hub
    implementation. For example:
    Database Type:oracle Host:localhost Port(1521): Service:orcl Username:ds_ui1 Password:!!cmx!! (L)ist, (A)dd, (U)pdate, (C)hange Type, (S)et Properties, (D)elete or (Q)uit:l No custom actions (L)ist, (A)dd, (U)pdate Jar, (C)hange Type, (S)et Properties, (D)elete or (Q)uit:q
  3. At the respective prompts, specify the following information (based on the configured settings for your
    Informatica MDM Hub
    • Database host
    • Port
    • Service
    • Login username (schema name)
    • Login password
  4. When prompted, specify database connection information: database host, port, service, login username, and password.
  5. The DeployCustomFunction tool displays a menu of the following options.
    Displays a list of currently-defined custom buttons.
    Adds a new custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify:
    • the JAR file for your custom button
    • the name of the custom function class that implements the com.siperian.mrm.customfunctions.api.CustomFunction interface
    • the type of the custom button: m—Merge Manager, d—Data Manager, h—
      Hierarchy Manager
      (you can specify one or two letters)
    Updates the JAR file for an existing custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify:
    • the rowID of the custom button to update
    • the JAR file for your custom button
    • the name of the custom function class that implements the com.siperian.mrm.customfunctions.api.CustomFunction interface
    • the type of the custom button: m—Merge Manager, h—
      Hierarchy Manager
      (you can specify one or two letters)
    (C)hange Type
    Changes the type of an existing custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify:
    • the rowID of the custom button to update
    • the type of the custom button: m—Merge Manager, and /or h—
      Hierarchy Manager
      (you can specify one or two letters)
    (S)et Properties
    Specify a properties file, which defines name/value pairs that the custom function requires at execution time (name=value). The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify the properties file to use.
    Deletes an existing custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify the rowID of the custom button to delete.
    Exits the DeployCustomFunction tool.
  6. When you have finished choosing your actions, choose
  7. Refresh the browser window to display the custom button you just added.
  8. Test your custom button to ensure that it works properly.

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