java -cp siperian-server.jar; ojdbc14.jar com.siperian.mrm.customfunctions.dbadapters.DeployCustomFunction
Database Type:oracle Host:localhost Port(1521): Service:orcl Username:ds_ui1 Password:!!cmx!! (L)ist, (A)dd, (U)pdate, (C)hange Type, (S)et Properties, (D)elete or (Q)uit:l No custom actions (L)ist, (A)dd, (U)pdate Jar, (C)hange Type, (S)et Properties, (D)elete or (Q)uit:q
Label | Description |
(L)ist | Displays a list of currently-defined custom buttons. |
(A)dd | Adds a new custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify:
(U)pdate | Updates the JAR file for an existing custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify:
(C)hange Type | Changes the type of an existing custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify:
(S)et Properties | Specify a properties file, which defines name/value pairs that the custom function requires at execution time (name=value). The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify the properties file to use. |
(D)elete | Deletes an existing custom button. The DeployCustomFunction tool prompts you to specify the rowID of the custom button to delete. |
(Q)uit | Exits the DeployCustomFunction tool. |