Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction
  3. Part 2: Configuring Hub Console Tools
  4. Part 3: Building the Data Model
  5. Part 4: Configuring the Data Flow
  6. Part 5: Executing Informatica MDM Hub Processes
  7. Part 6: Configuring Application Access
  8. Appendix A: MDM Hub Properties
  9. Appendix B: Viewing Configuration Details
  10. Appendix C: Row-level Locking
  11. Appendix D: MDM Hub Logging
  12. Appendix E: Table Partitioning
  13. Appendix F: Collecting MDM Environment Information with the Product Usage Toolkit
  14. Appendix G: Glossary

Alphabetical List of Batch Jobs

Alphabetical List of Batch Jobs

Batch Job
Accept Non-Matched Records As Unique
For records that have undergone the match process but had no matching data, sets the consolidation indicator to 1 (consolidated), meaning that the record was unique and did not require consolidation.
Autolink Jobs
Automatically links records that have qualified for autolinking during the match process and are flagged for autolinking (Automerge_ind=1).
Auto Match and Merge Jobs
Executes a continual cycle of a Match job, followed by an Automerge job, until there are no more records to match, or until the number of matches ready for manual consolidation exceeds the configured threshold. Used with merge-style base objects only.
Automerge Jobs
Automatically merges records that have qualified for automerging during the match process and are flagged for automerging (Automerge_ind = 1). Used with merge-style base objects only.
External Match Jobs
Matches “externally managed/prepared” records with an existing base object, yielding the results based on the current match settings—all without actually modifying the data in the base object.
Generate Match Tokens Jobs
Prepares data for matching by generating match tokens according to the current match settings. Match tokens are strings that encode the columns used to identify candidates for matching.
Hub Delete Jobs
Deletes data from the Hub based on base object / XREF level input.
Initially Index Smart Search Data Jobs
Creates indexes for all the values of the searchable fields in a business entity type. Search uses the index to search for data within the searchable fields.
Key Match Jobs
Matches records from two or more sources when these sources use the same primary key. Compares new records to each other and to existing records, and identifies potential matches based on the comparison of source record keys as defined by the match rules.
Load Jobs
Copies records from a staging table to the corresponding target base object in the Hub Store. During the load process, applies the current trust and validation rules to the records.
Manual Merge Jobs
Shows logs for records that have been manually merged in the Merge Manager tool. Used with merge-style base objects only.
Manual Unmerge Jobs
Shows logs for records that have been manually unmerged in the Merge Manager tool.
Match Jobs
Finds duplicate records in the base object, based on the current match rules.
Match Analyze Jobs
Conducts a search to gather match statistics but does not actually perform the match process. If areas of data with the potential for huge match requirements are discovered,
Informatica MDM Hub
moves the records to a hold status, which allows a data steward to review the data manually before proceeding with the match process.
Match for Duplicate Data Jobs
For data with a high percentage of duplicate records, compares new records to each other and to existing records, and identifies exact duplicates. The maximum number of exact duplicates is based on the Duplicate Match Threshold setting for this base object.
Multi Merge Jobs
Allows the merge of multiple records in one job.
Promote Jobs
Reads the PROMOTE_IND column from an XREF table and changes to ACTIVE the state on all rows where the column’s value is 1.
Recalculate BO Jobs
Recalculates all base objects or base objects you specify with the ROWID_OBJECT_TABLE parameter.
Recalculate BVT Jobs
Recalculates the BVT for the specified ROWID_OBJECT.
Reset Match Table Jobs
Shows logs of the operation where all matched records have been reset to be queued for match.
Revalidate Jobs
Executes the validation logic/rules for records that have been modified since the initial validation during the Load Process.
Stage Jobs
Copies records from a landing table into a staging table. During execution, cleanses the data according to the current cleanse settings.
Synchronize Jobs
Updates metadata for base objects. Used after a base object has been loaded but not yet merged, and subsequent trust configuration changes (such as enabling trust) have been made to columns in that base object. This job must be run before merging data for this base object.

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