Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 2
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Type of Table
| Description
Base object
| Used to store data for a central business entity, such as customer, product, or employee, or a lookup table such as country or state. In a base object, you can consolidate data from multiple source systems and use trust settings to determine the most reliable value of each base object cell. You can define one-to-many relationships between base objects. You need to create and configure the base objects.
Landing table
| Used to receive batch loads from a source system. You need to create and configure the landing tables.
Staging table
| Used to load data into a base object. You define mappings between landing tables and staging tables to specify how data must be cleansed and standardized when it is moved from a landing table to a staging table. You need to create and configure the staging tables.
Type of Table
| Description
Cross-reference table
| Used to track the origin of each record in the base object.
Cross-reference tables are named according to the following pattern:
C_<base object name>_XREF
where <base object name> is the root name of the base object. For example, if the base object name is PARTY, the cross-reference table name is C_PARTY_XREF. When you create a base object, the MDM Hub creates a cross-reference table to store information about data that comes from source systems.
History table
| Used if history is enabled for a base object.
History tables are named according to the following pattern:
where <base object name> is the root name of the base object. For example, a base object named PARTY has the C_PARTY_HIST and the C_PARTY_HXRF history tables.
The MDM Hub creates and maintains different types of history tables. The history tables provide detailed change tracking options, including merge and unmerge history, history of the pre-cleansed data, history of base objects, and the cross-reference history.
Match key table
| Contains the match keys that the MDM Hub generates for all base object records. The match key tables are named according to the following pattern:
C_<base object name>_STRP
where <base object name> is the root name of the base object. For example, if the base object name is PARTY, the match key table name is C_PARTY_STRP.
Match table
| Contains the pairs of matched records in the base object resulting from the execution of the match process on the base object. The match tables are named according to the following pattern:
C_<base object name>_MTCH
where <base object name> is the root name of the base object. For example, if the base object name is PARTY, the match table name is C_PARTY_MTCH.
External match table
| Contains the data for external match jobs. You can use the following types of external match tables:
The external match tables are named according to the following pattern:
where <base object name> is the root name of the base object. For example, if the base object name is PARTY, the match table names are C_PARTY_EMI and C_PARTY_EMO.
Temporary tables
| The MDM Hub creates temporary tables that it needs to process data during batch jobs. After the MDM Hub completes processing data, the batch processes remove the temporary tables because they are no longer needed. If the batch process, application server, or the database server fails, temporary tables may not be deleted.
Temporary tables have the prefix T$_. After the batch process completes, if the repository contains temporary tables that the batch process created, you can manually remove them. Some temporary tables do not have the prefix T$_ prefix. For example, the cleanse temporary table has the suffix _CL instead, and the delta temporary table has the _DLT suffix instead.
Type of Relationship
| Description
Foreign key relationship between base objects
| One base object, the child table, contains a foreign key column with values that match the values in the primary key column of another base object, the parent table.
Records within the same base object
| Within a base object, records are related to each other hierarchically. You can define many-to-many relationships within the base object.